
Calculate cutting velocity in turning from diameter and spindle speed

Question: What is the cutting velocity in m/sec, for turning a work piece of diameter 100 mm at the spindle speed of 480 RPM? [IAS‐1998] Solution: In straight turning operation the cylindrical workpiece is rotated about a fixed axis at a fixed rpm (revolution per minute) while the cutting tool is fed parallel to the job axis after providing necessary depth of cut in transverse (radial to the workpiece) direction.

Lip angle and point angle in single point turning tool

The angle between the face and flank surface of a single point cutting tool is termed as lip angle or wedge angle. There exist another confusing angle called point angle, which is the angle between principal cutting edge and auxiliary cutting edge. Lip angle is the angle between the rake surface and flank surface when viewed on orthogonal plane. Point angle is the angle between the principal cutting edge and

Relation between cutting velocity and spindle speed in straight turning

Question: Carbide tool is used to machine a 30mm diameter steel shaft at a spindle speed of 1000 revolutions per minute. What is the cutting velocity of the above turning operation? Solution: In straight turning operation, the cylindrical workpiece is rotated at a fixed spindle speed (measured in rpm or revolution per minute); while, the single point turning tool is fed in longitudinal direction at a pre-defined feed rate (measured