
What is rake surface? It is the chip flowing surface

Rake surface of a cutting tool is the chip flowing surface. That means the chips produced due to shearing action during machining flow over the rake surface and finally leave the cutting zone. Rake surface may not be necessarily flat. A tool may have multiple rake surfaces. Read details…

What is rake angle? Names, effects, functions & values

Definition of rake angle – It is the angle of orientation of tool’s rake surface from the reference plane (πR) and measured on some other plane. Its various names based on the plane on which it is measured, effects and functions, typical values, and positive negative and zero rake angle are discussed here. Read details…

What is flank surface? Principal & auxiliary flank surfaces

Apart from rake surface, flank surface is one of the tool point surfaces. The intersection of flank surface and rake surface produces the cutting edge, which actually removes excess material from the workpiece during machining. A cutter may have one or more flank surfaces. Read details…

Difference between rake surface and flank surface

Similarities and differences between rake surface and flank surface of a cutting tool are given here in table form. Rake surface is the chip flowing surface and thus remains in close contact with the chip. So intense heat generates on it and thus it wears out faster. Flank surface remains open. Read details…

What is clearance angle? Its derivative, value & function

Clearance angle is the angle of orientation of tool’s principal flank surface from the cutting velocity vector (or cutting plane) and measured on some other plane. Its derivative, value, and functions are also discussed here. Read details…

Why clearance angle cannot be negative or zero?

Clearance angle of a cutting tool cannot be negative or zero, it always has a positive value (usually +3º to +15º). A zero or negative clearance angle can cause intense rubbing of flank surface with finished surface, which can degrade surface quality and tool life. Rake angle can be positive, negative or zero. Read details…

What is cutting edge? Its function, sharpness & numbers

What is cutting edge? It is the sharp edge in a cutting tool that removes material from workpiece by shearing during machining. Intersection of rake surface and flank surface produces cutting edge. A cutter may contain one or more cutting edges also. Read details…

What is PCEA? Principal Cutting Edge Angle

Full form of PCEA is Principal Cutting Edge Angle. It is an important angle of any cutting tool, which influences roughness of machined surface, chip deviation, cutting force and power requirement, etc. Its value ranges between +45º to +90º. Read details…

Concept of positive rake, negative rake and zero rake

Concept of positive rake angle, negative rake angle and zero rake angle of a cutting tool is discussed here. It explains classification of rake angles with diagram and their examples, advantages, disadvantages and applications. Read details…

Difference between positive rake and negative rake

Similarities and differences between positive rake angle and negative rake angle of cutting tool are given here in table form. A positive rake offers sharp cutting tip so material is removed easily requiring minimum force. A negative rake makes tool tip less sharp but stronger, so it offers longer life. Read details…

Advantages and disadvantages of positive rake angle

Advantages of positive rake angle in cutting tool are reduced shear strain, low cutting power consumption, low cutting force, lower cutting temperature, favorable for continuous chip production, lower tool life; disadvantages are weak tool tip, short life, etc. Read details…

Advantages and disadvantages of negative rake angle

Advantages of negative rake angle in cutting tool are stronger tool tip, longer tool life, suitable for old machines, increased feed and depth of cut can be utilized. Disadvantages are more cutting energy and power consumption, induced vibration, degraded cut quality. Read details…

Explain the advantages of zero rake angle

Explain the advantages of zero rake angle or neutral rake angle in a cutting tool. Pros of zero rake angle are – zero rake angle cutter is easy to design and manufacture. It is also easy to re-sharpen when it is worn out. It eliminates many disadvantages of positive and negative rake angle in tool. Read details…

Maximum rake angle of cutting tool

Maximum Rake Angle is the angle of orientation of tool’s rake surface from the reference plane (πR) and measured on a plane which is perpendicular to the master line for rake surface. It provides the maximum value of rake angle for a particular cutting tool. Read details…

Minimum clearance angle of cutting tool

Minimum Clearance Angle is the angle of orientation of tool’s flank surface from the cutting velocity vector and measured on a plane which is perpendicular to the master line for flank surface. It provides the minimum value of clearance angle for a particular cutting tool. Read details…

Nose radius in cutting tool – Its function & value

Nose radius is the radius value of tiny rounding provided at the tip of the cutting tool, measured on reference plane. It prevents the tool tip from sudden breakage. Nose radius of conventional turning tool usually varies in between 0.4 – 1.2mm. Read details…